Go Big or Go Home?

Life is too short to live up to the expectations of someone else, or even worse, another person’s definition of success.

It doesn’t take a therapist to figure out if you’re happy or not.

We say we feel like _________ because that emotion, has manifested itself into a sensation inside our body that we actually do experience.

Oftentimes we  experience unhappiness, because we feel like we no longer have control. We start playing the blame game as to why we don’t have nor are we who or what we thought we would be at this stage of our lives. We think we don’t have any control over our current situation, when in fact, that is not true at all.

It is at this point of self-awareness where people make one of two choices: they either A) Go home and continue playing the blame game with their friends and family, because that’s a hell of a lot easier than facing their demons and creating the life they were destined to live or B) they put their game face on and GO BIG. I’m talkin’ crazy big. The kind of big where your friends and family (out of love) caution you and suggest that you harness that ambition and be “realistic.”

The kind of big with choice B) is the kind where your dream actually scares you.

Those who GO BIG do this  knowing that if they fail, at least when they look in the mirror, they know that they did everything in their power to create their destiny.

I know my choice.