The things we create

I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of creating value. The more I think, the more I realize that the value actually comes from the connection.

So when we create whatever it is that we create – make an attempt to connect. I mean really connect.

Go to that place of authenticity, truth and vulnerability and the rest will take care of itself.

Why I went dark

A 30 day sabbatical…what gives?

You’re probably thinking…I thought you were all about “honoring your commitments” and finishing out that video challenge. Where’s the honor in that?

Here’s the deal.

I went dark because I needed to retreat to a quiet place so that I could really focus. I needed to turn off everything and search within to determine how I would approach not just the last 30 days of my life but the remainder going forward.

The video challenge taught me two very important things about myself. I really do enjoy creating videos; however, I have no desire to edit them. And while I am a disciplined person, I wasn’t feeling fired up to create a video every single day for 30 days.

For me, this year has been all about living my calling (using my signature strengths on a daily basis) while being guided by my personal values.

What are my core values?

  1. God
  2. Authenticity
  3. Integrity
  4. Love
  5. Inspiration

By saying, you know what?…this video challenge really isn’t working out for me right now, at this point in my life, was actually a form of me staying in integrity and being true to myself. Talk about authenticity. Truth is…I needed to focus on my passion project by continuing to work my calling and my career.

I spent the last 30 days intensely focused on doing the work and while I am tired, I am fulfilled. While I am confident, I am calculated. While I am bound…I am free.

It feels good to be back.

Are You Authentic?

One of the easiest ways to find out is to ask yourself the question “do I preach what I practice?” And no, I did not mix up the saying. If we truly believe the things that we preach to others then quite simply, we should be doing those things. People who are broke can often be found preaching financial advice. People who are not fit often preach health and wellness advice. These are two common examples that we see very often. Now am I suggesting that the advice that these people are giving is incorrect? Absolutely not! There are many people who study and research their way into being a subject matter expert which is great. The problem is when we really want our message to stick; people are looking for us to lead by example, live our message, and be the evidence…and that I believe is the true test of authenticity.